Reflexive Verbs in Spanish
Ashish 2020–05–29
Uses of reflexive in Spanish
Reflexive verbs are much more common than in English, and many are used in everyday language. The infinitive form of a reflexive verb has se attached to the end of it, for example, llamarse (meaning to call oneself). This is the way reflexive verbs are shown in dictionaries. Se means himself, herself, itself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, and oneself. Se is called a reflexive pronoun.
Present Tense of Reflexive Pronouns He gets up early.
Él se levanta temprano.
He does not shave.
Él se afeita.
I shave daily in the morning.
Yo me afeito todos los días por la mañana.
Aburrirse — To get bored
Acercarse — To get close to
Acordarse de — To remember
Acostarse — To go to bed
Acostumbrarse a — To get accustomed to / get used to
Afeitarse — To shave
Aficionarse a — To become interested in
Alegrarse — To become (be) happy
Bañarse — To take a bath
Caerse — To fall down
Cansarse de — To get tired of
Casarse con — To marry
Cepillarse — To brush (hair,teeth)
Ducharse — To shower
Enojarse — To get angry
Lavarse — To wash oneself
Levantarse — To get up
Maquillarse — To put makeup on We talk to each other.
Nos hablamos.
We love each other.
Nos queremos.
We do not know each other.
No nos conocemos.
Aquí se vende té.
Tea is sold here.
Se habla español en España.
Spanish is spoken in Spain.
¿Cómo se dice “thanks” en español?
How do you say “thanks” in Spanish?
Se dice gracias.
They say Gracias. Or One says Gracias.
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